Kansas and Missouri Field Notes

June 1, 2020

Kansas and Missouri Field Notes

Jun 1, 2020

Key Issues:Production

Author: Cathryn Wojcicki


“Our corn crop is finally getting some heat and starting to get some color again. It’s really healthy and growth is taking off now that it has recovered from the cold snap. Soybean planting is a long way from done, but we are making progress every day.”

- Lowell Neitzel, Kansas farmer



“Finally, we got the corn sprayed so that it looks like a field and not a pasture. We will have to replant in the bottom-ground but, overall, it looks pretty good. In some places, there are a few yellow streaks, so it needs some heat.  From what I can tell, USDA would fit it in the good to excellent.”

- Addie Yoder, Missouri farmer